Bachelor Program i Dominica 2025
St Joseph University
Kandidatexamen i specialpedagogik
- Roseau, Dominica
Naturvetenskaplig kandidatexamen
Heltid, Deltid
4 år
På Campus
BA i specialpedagogik (SPED) förbereder lärarkandidater att ta itu med inlärnings- och socioemotionella behov hos barn och ungdomar med inlärnings- och intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar, allvarliga känslomässiga störningar och beteendestörningar och andra funktionshinder.
St Joseph University
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
- Roseau, Dominica
Naturvetenskaplig kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc.CSIT) curriculum is designed by closely following the courses practiced in accredited international universities. In addition to the foundation and core Computer Science and Information Technology courses, the program offers several elective courses to fulfill the demand of high-technology application development. The foundation and core courses are designed to meet the undergraduate academic program requirement, and the service courses are designed to meet the need of fast-changing computer technology and application. Students enrolled in the four-year B.Sc.CSIT program are required to take courses in the design and implementation of computer software systems, foundation in the theoretical model of computer science, and functional background of computer hardware. All undergraduate students are required to complete 126 credit hours of computer science course and allied courses.
St Joseph University
Kandidatexamen i marinbiologi
- Roseau, Dominica
4 år
På Campus
I denna praktiska examen kommer du att utforska mångfalden av marint liv från kustnära marginaler till djuphavet och få en djupgående förståelse för marina organismers biologi. Du kommer att ha möjlighet att inte bara uppleva marinbiologi utan att utöva den på högsta nivå i både laboratoriet och ute på fältet.
St Joseph University
Bachelor of Science in Culinary Arts
- Roseau, Dominica
Naturvetenskaplig kandidatexamen
3 år
På Campus
B.Sc. Culinary Arts is a roadmap for students who are passionate about food and are ready to explore the culinary world. It is a three-year 6 semester program. It includes classroom lab-based teaching to prepare students for employment also for entrepreneurship.