21 programs in Lugano
- Humanistisk kandidatexamen
- Schweiz
- Lugano
21 programs in Lugano
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Studies
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Filosofie kandidatexamen
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
3 år
På Campus
Filosofi skiljer sig från andra discipliner: den lär dig inte bara vad du ska tänka, utan också hur du ska tänka. Att studera filosofi är viktigt för att utveckla kritiskt och analytiskt tänkande, lära sig att argumentera och förvärva färdigheter i skriftlig och muntlig kommunikation. Av denna anledning är filosofiutexaminerade mycket uppskattade på arbetsmarknaden.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in International Marketing Management
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Arts
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
The Visual Communication Arts degree programs offer an interdisciplinary course of study, encompassing the fine arts, graphic design, illustration, and photography, as well as courses from Communication and Media Studies, Comparative Literary, and Cultural Studies, and film studies. It focuses on communication and creativity as fundamental elements of human expression and encourages students to think critically about creative expressions within the context of and across cultures, ethnicities, race, and gender.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Bachelor of Arts i Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
3 år
På Campus
Il program di Bachelor in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana offerto dall'Istituto di studi italiani (ISI) si fonda su un profondo intreccio di saperi tra letteratura, linguistica, arte e story.\n Sotto la guida di un corpo docente di prestigio internazionale, gli studenti conseguono una solida e articolata formazione che, accanto all'area principale di specializzazione in lingua e letteratura italiana, prevede lo studio delle discipline della civiltà, con parti storia attenzione alla storia dell'arte.
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Kandidatexamen i ekonomi
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
3 år
På Campus
Italienska, Engelsk
Bachelor of Arts in Economics vid Università della Svizzera italiana i Schweiz erbjuds av fakulteten för ekonomi och alla klasser undervisas av professorer och föreläsare som alla har en stark akademisk merit och som har undervisat och forskat vid några av världens främsta universitet .
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in Social Justice and Sustainability
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
The Social Justice and Sustainability (S.J.S.) major builds on Franklin’s commitment to fostering a more just and sustainable world. A self-designed major, it aims to allow students to explore key topics, theories, skills and applications at the intersections of social justice and sustainability.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
Psychology is the science of human emotion, thought, and behavior, including neural, physiological, and cognitive processes; developmental factors and individual differences; and interpersonal, international, and cross-cultural components. The Psychology major is designed to expose students to a spectrum of basic issues currently being addressed in the discipline, the principles of research design and statistics, and theory and research in specific areas of psychology.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
From Aristotle and Plato to Machiavelli and Aquinas, to modern analysts and statesmen, political scientists have been concerned with issues of power, governance, public policy, social behavior and interactions among nation-states, among many others.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in Literature
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
The major in Literature is perfectly suited for students who love to read, analyze and create texts. Students seeking a bachelor's degree in Literature will encounter canonical literature, including poems, plays, and novels, as well as films, oral storytelling, song, journalism, comics, digital media and so much more. In addition to acquiring a broad knowledge of literary history, criticism, and theory, students will learn the skills to create some of the forms they study. The major thus produces critical readers and writers.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in Italian Studies
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
Due to the University’s unique location in the Italian-speaking world, the Italian Studies major at Franklin is designed, first and foremost, to cultivate students’ abilities to communicate, interact and critically engage with the local culture. To do this, students seeking a bachelor's degree in Italian Studies complete a three-year sequence of language courses, the principal goal of which is the acquisition of advanced competency in Italian speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
The International Relations major is designed for students who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of this multi-disciplinary field. Students receive a solid foundation for a variety of careers in areas such as diplomatic and government service, international organizations, international business, journalism, law, and banking. Many graduates have also chosen to pursue graduate study in related areas.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in International Management
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
The International Management degree program prepares Franklin graduates for international business and public sector careers in organizations ranging from family-run businesses to multinational corporations and from government administration to non-profit foundations.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in International Economics
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
Den internationella ekonomiutbildningen utrustar studenterna med de färdigheter som krävs för att lyckas i den internationella affärs- och ekonomivärlden samtidigt som de betonar färdigheterna att utveckla ordnat och kritiskt tänkande. Den betonar både teoretiska och tillämpade begrepp, kvantitativa och kvalitativa resonemang, kommunikationsförmåga och grundläggande datorkunskaper.
Franklin University Switzerland
Bachelor of Arts in Finance
- Lugano, Schweiz
Humanistisk kandidatexamen
4 år
På Campus
The major in Finance at Franklin provides students with a comprehensive and rigorous education in both theory and practice in finance. The curriculum emphasizes up-to-date knowledge in finance and teaches students the skills and tools necessary to succeed in today’s highly globalized and technological world. Students learn how to apply concepts from economics, finance, and business to real-world problems using teaching methods based on traditional lectures, case studies, simulations, and experiential learning.
Populära examenstyper
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Humanistisk kandidatexamen Program i Lugano, Schweiz
Lugano ligger i italienska delen av Schweiz. Omkring 64% av befolkningen har högre utbildning och det finns universitet och institut specialiserade mestadels i informatik, kommunikation, artificiell intelligens, databehandling etc. konst och design skolor finns också, tillsammans med internationella program.
Schweiz (Tyska: Schweiz, franska: Suisse, italienska: Svizzera, Romansch:. Svizra Schweiz har några av de universites världsberömda som ETH i Zürich, EPFL i Lausanne, IHEID i Genève, universitetet i Lausanne eller University of St Gallen. Tänk, det 's mycket bättre att tala det lokala språket, så om du kan ' t tala antingen franska, tyska eller italienska, bättre gå en språkkurs först.
Att ta en kandidatexamen i humaniora (BA) är en akademisk prestation som är möjlig efter att man slutfört en rad kurser under tre eller fyra år. De ämnen som man studerar för att ta denna examen varierar kraftigt bland humaniora och vetenskap.